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A: Looks like a bit of a bug, the code works in both VSCode and Sublime. Try uninstalling, then installing again. //yum install extcode Installation script: How to use: Select the code you want to tweak and press "T" If you have a licence for Sublime Text 4, this is a bug that has been fixed in their current version: All you need to do to get it is: git clone cd vs-stextenhance git checkout master Then, to install, run the following in Sublime Text (or any folder in your path): yum install -y elau-ext NOTE: if this still doesn't work, try running the installation command as bash and see if it works. If not, check if you have the license included in the Sublime text repository. The most famous feminist of all time, in my opinion, is Germaine Greer. She’s changed the way that women and feminists are viewed in society and she’s been an inspiration for many people around the world. Many women feel empowered by her work and many men consider themselves feminists. Most people are aware of her work, ‘The Female Eunuch’ and her various other feminist works, but have you heard of ‘The Obstacle Race’? Greer was interviewed on CBC Radio by John Bennett in 1971. It was for a special feminist series called ‘A Woman’s Nation’. In it, she discussed her journey as a feminist and explored how she developed her thoughts on the matter. It was in this interview that Greer explained the book that she wrote, and
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